Friday, July 3, 2015

Benefits of Men’s Massage

When most people think about a spa massage, like one you could get at Vusalela Day Spa, they picture a woman getting the massage. Men benefit greatly from massage. Ask any sports figure and they will tell you that highly trained athletes regularly get massages. Here’s why.
Benefits of Men’s Massage
As with women, men derive many benefits from massage. Starting with the one that men use it the most for: muscles. Having a massage after a tough workout will actually help you from having sore muscles the next day.
After a workout lactic acid builds up in your muscles and that’s what causes your muscles to hurt. If they are already sore, massage alleviates pain, exercises and stretches weak or tight muscles. Massage reduces spasms and cramping and relaxes muscles that are tired or injured. Joints benefit as well. Massage improves joint flexibility.
Massage Promotes Tissue Regeneration
If you have injured yourself, massage can help you recover. It promotes tissue regeneration after injury or surgery. It can help reduce scarring. This is because massage promotes circulation. Better circulation brings oxygen and nutrients to tissues, muscles and organs. Massage after surgery can reduce adhesions and swelling, which promotes faster healing. Your lymphatic system is stimulated which gets the white cells into your circulatory system and cleans up infection. That improves immunity and also releases endorphins which reduces dependence on medication and pain killers.
Massage Relieves Stress

Men get stressed. Massage relieves stress. It can lessen depression and anxiety, improve sleep quality and gives you more energy and better concentration. Stress, for most of us, is unavoidable, so being able to regularly manage it through massage will mean you deal with it better, treat those around you better and become happier or more content. Massage can do that.