Friday, July 31, 2015

Did you know that a visit to the spa causes you to DETOX?

Did you know that a visit to the spa causes you to DETOX?
The effect of 'detox' go far beyond just a physical cleanse, its a powerful way to make changes on every level of your being. We pick up Toxins through things we eat or drink, even the air we breath! Your body can accumulate toxins for years and years without rebelling, but at some stage your organs just cant cope, this can then lead to disease!
Although the body is designed to eliminate toxins, it can quickly becomeclogged up, this leads to toxins being stored in the cells and joints. Ultimately this reduces the body ability to function properly or heal its self.
The only thing i must stress is DRINK ENOUGH WATER! Please make sure you are taken to Dining area for a relaxation session after each treatment, grab a bottle, the are free of charge and you will thank me the next day smile emoticon
Although we don't serve alcohol we have no corkage fee should you wish to bring something with you, but then please drink even more water!
See you soon